Hello World…
Hello World…
I decided to finally make a personal site for myself while I’m job-searching. It gives me something to do anyways while I wait for companies to get back to me, or for my next interviews. Something besides leetcoding anyways.
After graduating from the NYU Gallatin School of Individualized Study this year, I was supposed to start full-time as a SWE at Spectrum Labs on July 3. I felt pretty fortunate to have this opportunity that looked safe, considering all the rescinds and layoffs and tough hiring seasons for everyone else at the time. Well, June 26 rolls around and my offer gets rescinded. That flippin’ stinks man! But I’ve interviewed and am interviewing with a few places right now, and some of them look really promising! Hopefully this is one of those blessings-in-disguise moments. Whatever role I end up in now will definitely be a change of pace than what I would’ve been doing at Spectrum. But dagnabbit, I’m ready for the challenge. ‘Kay thanks for reading? I think everyone’s first blog post needs to include some statement about how no one is probably going to read this. And it has to be just a little bit cringe because the author isn’t used to writing like this and actually sharing it out in the open. So I feel I’ve got those bases covered, and with that I guess, see ya later.